john morgan chambers


John was born in Lubbock, Texas. He went to the same junior high as Buddy Holly. The banjo John plays on dot dot dot was a gift on his 12th birthday. He played trumpet through his junior year of high school. His 1966 Martin D-18 has been in his care for 43 years. He was a page at CBS in Los Angeles. He spent months working in a very small office on the 20th Century Fox lot with Carrie Fisher and Janis Hirsch. Carrie told John many stories, including the story of her breakup with Paul Simon. He worked for Fred Walecki at Westwood Music. He was the first staff writer hired on Law & Order: SVU, the longest running drama in television history. He lived in Venice Beach for nine years. All of his music has been recorded in Acuff, Texas.​​

And More:

John's parents divorced when he was nine years old, right in the sweet spot for damaging the human psyche. On his 12th birthday, to mitigate the pain, John’s parents got him a banjo. It’s impossible to be sad playing the banjo. When he was sixteen, John’s mother moved to the Central California to teach college. That same summer, John’s father, who John moved in with, remarried. Well-loved by his parents, John’s seemingly boundless whimsey, for better or worse, continued to flourish. He was, however, largely unsupervised throughout his middle and high school years. A teenage boy unsupervised in Lubbock, Texas in the 1980s...? Regrets? A few.

After high school, John enrolled at the University of Colorado where he skied, played gigs with high school band mate, Pace Conner, and occasionally studied journalism. After two years in Boulder, John headed to Austin where he studied writing and film production at the University of Texas. Leaving Austin, John moved to Los Angeles, determined to make it as a writer in Hollywood. After ten years of paying the proverbial dues, John got his first job as a television writer. Look up his credits on IMDb. John’s the writer who birthed his career on the Emmy Award winning NYPD Blue and killed his career on the “most-watched show on the planet,” The Bold and the Beautiful. In John’s two years at B&B he was twice nominated for a Daytime Emmy for best writing staff. Little victories. Out of work as a writer, John did the only thing any sane person would do – moved back to Lubbock, went to work remodeling houses with his childhood best friend, and started recording music.

John’s father always said if John were run out of town he’d think he was leading a parade – and so it might appear. But secretly, John knows the mob is on his heals.​